Oklahoma Animal Shelters, Rescues, & Resources

Oklahoma Animal Shelters & Rescues

Norman Animal Welfare
3428 Jenkins Ave,
Norman, OK 73072
Phone: (405) 292-9736
Dispatch: 405-321-1444

9 Lives Rescue of Oklahoma
Lookeba, OK 73053
Phone: (405) 668-3228
Email: 9livesrescueok@gmail.com

Safe Haven Animal Rescue
PO Box 76089
OKC, OK 73147
Warr Acres, OK 73122
Phone: Message Line: (405) 463-1556
Email: info@safehavenanimalrescue.org

Oklahoma City Animal Welfare Division
2811 SE 29th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73129
Phone: 405-297-3100
Email: animalwelfare@okc.gov

Rainbow Bridge Can Wait Animal Rescue and Adoption
526 E Oklahoma
Carnegie, OK 73015
Phone: 580-654-2513

FURever Friends Fund
2809 N Grand
Enid, OK 73701

Heart and Soul Pet Rescue, Inc.
Fletcher, OK 73541
Phone: (580) 919-5117
Email: heartandsoulpetrescue@gmail.com

Friends for Life
Complete Application Form at http://www.okfflas.org
— Physical address 290 W Commerce, Clinton, OK
Clinton, OK 73601
Phone: (580) 275-2822
Email: okfflas@gmail.com

City of Clinton OK
Clinton, OK 73601
Email: Clintonpounddogs@gmail.com

Wags to Whiskers Inc.
Tuttle, OK 73089
Email: adoptawag@aol.com

Friends of the Mustang Animal Shelter
Mustang, OK 73064
Phone: (405) 578-4738
Email: mustangshelterfriends@gmail.com

Pets & People Humane Society
701 Inla
Yukon, OK 73085
Phone: (405) 350-7387
Email: info@petsandpeople.com

Haven of Hope Rescue Foundation
Okarche, OK 73762
Email: hopefordogs@havenofhoperescue.com

Oklahoma Thoroughbred Retirement Program
P.O. Box 96
Blanchard, OK 73010
Email: DBrook4000@aol.com

Pit Bull Rescue Oklahoma
PO Box 1314
Oklahoma License S39
Blanchard, OK 73010
Email: pbroklahoma@yahoo.com

Blanchard Animal Welfare
Blanchard, OK 73010
Phone: (405) 485-9392
Email: animalcontrol@cityofblanchard.us

Pawsitive Options 4 Adoption of Lawton-Comanche County Humane Society
Lawton, OK 73502
Phone: (580) 355-7729
Email: Camposdl62@yahoo.com

Watonga Community Cat Foundation
Watonga, OK 73772
Email: staff@watongacommunitycats.org

Maltese Rescue of OKC
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Phone: (405) 919-2239
Email: karolee4@att.net

Country Roads Animal Rescue Society
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Email: countryroadsanimalrescueok@gmail.com

Warr Acres Animal Control
5930 NW 49th
Warr Acres, OK 73122
Phone: (405) 789-9025
Email: animalcontrol@warracres-ok.gov

Pet Adoption and Welfare Services of OK (PAWS-OK)

Oklahoma City, OK 73139
Phone: (405) 204-3964
Email: pawsokrescue@gmail.com

Kitty Wranglers Cat Rescue Inc.
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: 405-919-0864
Email: kittywranglers@yahoo.com

Mutt Misfits Society
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Email: Muttmisfits@gmail.com

Miller’s Cause Animal Rescue
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: (405) 697-1224
Email: millerscause@gmail.com

LowRider Dachshund Rescue
Moore, OK 73160
Email: lowriderrescue@yahoo.com

Animal Rescue Friends Inc of Nichols Hills
Nichols Hills, OK 73116
Phone: (405) 843-3038
Email: Suzy-Morgan@omrf.org

Forever Yours Dog Rescue
PO Box 890547
Oklahoma City, OK 73189
Email: foreveryoursokc@gmail.com

Forgotten Treasures Animal Rescue
PO Box 891044
Oklahoma City, OK 73189
Phone: (405) 845-1912
Email: forgottentreasuresanimalrescue@yahoo.com

The Bella Foundation
PO Box 20035
Oklahoma City, OK 73156
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Phone: 1-866-318-7387
Email: info@thebellafoundation.org

Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Phone: (405) 650-1654
Email: https://www.facebook.com/Save4PawsRescue

Hands Helping Paws, Inc.

Norman, OK 73069
Phone: (405) 410-5718
Email: Handshelpingpaws@cox.net

Friends with Four Paws

Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Email: adoptioninfo@friendswithfourpaws.org

Stephens County Humane Society, OK
714 Martin Luther King Jr Ave
Duncan, OK 73533
Phone: (580) 252-7387
Email: schs@att.net

Groovy Paws Rescue
P.O. Box 313
Norman, OK 73071
Email: groovypawsrescue@yahoo.com

PitEssentials Rescue, Inc
Noble, OK 73068
Phone: 405-436-7673
Email: pitessentials@yahoo.com

Friends of Noble Animal Shelter
P.O. Box 1655
Noble, OK 73068
Phone: (405) 245-3357
Email: klahman@att.net

Heartprints Animal Rescue
Noble, OK 73068
Phone: (405) 514-5353
Email: heartprintsanimalrescue@gmail.com

All 4 One Rescue
Edmond, OK 73013
Email: emily@all4onerescue.org

Great Plains Mastiff Rescue
P.O. Box 6173
Edmond, OK 73083
Phone: Please Email Us
Email: info@greatplainsmastiffrescue.org

Community Cat Coalition of Edmond
Edmond, OK 73003
Email: edmondcats@gmail.com

Because of You Rescue
P.O. Box 30482
Edmond, OK 73003
Phone: 405-517-6887
Email: becauseofyourescue.ok@gmail.com

All Paws Rescue
PO Box 6012
Edmond, OK 73083
Phone: (405) 757-4604
Email: info@allpawsrescueok.org

City of Edmond Animal Welfare
2424 Old Timbers Drive
Edmond, OK 73034
Phone: 405-216-7615
Email: ila.lee@edmondok.com

Dogs As Family, Inc.
P.O. Box 13457
Oklahoma City, OK 73151
Phone: 405-771-4742
Email: dogsasfamily@hotmail.com

Blue HAWK (Helping Animals With Kindness)
PO Box 5902
Norman, OK 73051
Phone: 405-321-2572 text 405-590-7278
Email: bluehawkorg@gmail.com

Southwest Oklahoma Animal Network
Altus, OK 73521
Phone: 580-482-8945
Email: swoan@swbell.net

Mangum Animal Shelter
105 S Pennsylvania
Mangum, OK 73554
Phone: (580) 782-2256
Email: medina.franco@cityofmangum.net

The Underdogs Rescue Inc.
P.O. Box 816
Choctaw, OK 73020
Phone: 405-593-8671
Email: theunderdogsrescue@gmail.com

Oklahoma Jack Russell Rescue
Choctaw, OK 73020
Phone: 405.826.3691
Email: okjrtrescue@dogsweetdog.com

Choctaw, OK 73020
Phone: (405) 531-0957

Misfits, Mutts and Meows
PO Box 84
Crescent, OK 73028
Phone: (405) 471-3922
Email: misfitsmuttsmeows@hotmail.com

Real Rescue Inc.
Arcadia, OK 73007
Phone: (405) 414-5651
Email: Dspencev@att.net

Pet Angels Rescue
Guthrie, OK 73044
Phone: (405) 877-3248
Email: contact@petangelsrescue.org

Horse Feathers Equine Center
PO Box 1372
Guthrie, OK 73044
Phone: (405) 260-7281
Email: plainswindrdr@gmail.com

Free to Live
Guthrie, OK 73044
Phone: (405) 282-8617
Email: info@freetoliveok.org

19729 N.E. 10TH
Harrah, OK 73045
Email: Okadoptadog@aol.com

City of Pauls Valley Animal Shelter
300 E Airport Industrial Road
Pauls Valley, OK 73075
Phone: (405) 238-1303
Email: Pauls_Valley_Animal_Shelter@hotmail.com

Animal Rescue Center of Shawnee, Inc.
Shawnee, OK 74804
Phone: (405) 431-9326
Email: admin@arcshawnee.org

Saving Pets At Risk (SPAR)
Shawnee, OK 74801
Email: SPARpets@gmail.com

Enid S.P.C.A.
1116 Overland Trail
Enid, OK 73703
Phone: 580-233-1325
Email: enidspca@suddenlinkmail.com

Friends of Shawnee Animals
Meeker, OK 74855
Phone: (405) 488-4032
Email: friendsofshawneeanimals@yahoo.com

Bethel Animal Rescue
884 Hanover Rd.
Davis, OK 73030
Phone: (580) 247-0621
Email: bethelanimalrescue@yahoo.com

Happy Acres Animal Sanctuary
Sulphur, OK 73086
Phone: email preferable
Email: ok_wagswhiskers@yahoo.com

Stillwater Animal Welfare
1710 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 1725
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: (405) 372-0334
Email: animalwelfare@stillwater.org

Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue
901 S. Lowry
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: (405) 612-0071
Email: tinypawskittenadoptions@gmail.com

Humane Society of Stillwater
1710 S. Main St.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: 405-377-1701
Email: shelter@hspets.org

Noble County PAWs
Perry, OK 73077
Phone: (580) 336-3091
Email: noblecountypaws@yahoo.com

Seminole Humane Society
1200 Montgomery Rd, Seminole, OK 74868
Phone: (405) 380-3976
Email: seminolehumanesociety@petlover.com

OK Save a Dog
Prague, OK 74864
Email: k9saver@gmail.com

Cimarron Valley Humane Society (Foster Based Rescue)
P O Box 1163
Cushing, OK 74023
Email: cimarronhumane@yahoo.com

Creature Concerns Inc
PO Box 238
Alva, OK 73717
Email: creatureconcerns@gmail.com

Animal Rescue League of Okemah
PO Box 214
Okemah, OK 74859
Phone: (918) 623-6457
Email: arlokemah@gmail.com

PAW First Rescue
Ponca City, OK 74604
Phone: (580) 716-5205
Email: gracelake@pawfirst.com

Ponca City Humane Society
PO Box 1671
900 West Prospect
Ponca City, OK 74604
Phone: (580) 767-8877
Email: pchumane@gmail.com

Okmulgee Humane Society
1239 N Omulgee
Okmulgee, OK 74447
Phone: (918) 759-2000
Email: okmhumsoc@sbcglobal.net

Cleveland Area Pound Pals
Cleveland, OK 74020
Phone: (918) 358-2665
Email: poundpals@sbcglobal.net

Creek Pet Adoption
12 Honeybear Lane
Kellyville, OK 74039
Phone: 1-918-247-6290

Rainy Day Rescue
PO Box 453
Kellyville, OK 74039
Email: RainyDayRescueOrg@gmail.com

Sapulpa Furry Friends
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Phone: (539) 777-0991
Email: foster4sff@gmail.com

City of Sapulpa Animal Shelter
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Phone: (918) 227-2722
Email: animalcontrol@cityofsapulpa.net

Sand Springs Animal Welfare
Sand Springs, OK 74063
Phone: (918) 246-2543
Email: tlarvidson@sandspringsok.org

Pyr Paws N Fluffy Tails Rescue
Kiowa, OK 74553
Email: pyrpawsandfluffytailsrescue@yahoo.com

Small Paws Rescue Inc.
Tulsa, OK 74107
Email: adoptionspf@smallpawsrescue.org

Partnering for Pets, Inc.
9521 Riverside Pkwy
Tulsa, OK 74137
Phone: (918) 998-7388
Email: info@partneringforpets.org

Oklahoma German Shepherd Rescue
Tulsa, OK 74137
Phone: (918) 928-9944
Email: oklahomagsr@gmail.com

Animal Rescue Foundation
P.O. Box 1471483
Tulsa, OK 74147
Email: info@arftulsa.org

Dalmatian Assistance League Inc. (other breeds too!)
Tulsa, OK 74170
Phone: 918-625-2978
Email: nancy@poochestulsa.com

Route 66 Pet Rescue
P.O. Box 521024
Tulsa, OK 74152
Phone: 918-402-9696
Email: route66petrescuetulsa@gmail.com

Oklahoma Westie Rescue
Bixby, OK 74008
Email: adoption@okwestierescue.com

Doberman Rescue Group, Inc.
PO Box 43
Bixby, OK 74008
Phone: 918-365-0101
Email: info@dobermanrescuegroup.org

Puppy Haven Rescue Inc.
Bixby, OK 74008
Phone: (918) 550-1515
Email: puppyhavenrescue@yahoo.com

Rescued ‘n Ready Animal Foundation
Tulsa, OK 74136
Phone: 918-365-2099
Email: amyh@rescuednready.com

Tulsa FurBaby Lady
Tulsa, OK 74104
Phone: (918) 760-9959
Email: tulsafurbabylady@gmail.com

Prairie Pet Coalition Oklahoma
Tulsa, OK 74114
Phone: (918) 238-2245
Email: hello@prairiepetcoalition.com

Tulsa SPCA
2910 Mohawk Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74110
Phone: (918) 428-7722
Email: adoptions@tulsaspca.org

4 The Animals Rescue
Tulsa, OK 74126
Phone: (918) 815-9122
Email: alex@4theanimalsrescue.com

Bixby Animal Rescue Network
Tulsa, OK 74133
Phone: (918) 955-1914
Email: barn74008@gmail.com

Oklahoma Alliance for Animals Inc.
5321 S Sheridan Road
Suite 30
Tulsa, OK 74145
Phone: (918) 742-3700
Email: info@animalallianceok.org

Street Cats Inc
6520 E. 60th St.
Tulsa, OK 74145
Phone: 918.298.0104
Email: cats@streetcatstulsa.org

Animal Aid of Tulsa, Inc.
3307 E 15th St
Tulsa, OK 74112
Phone: (918) 794-6688
Email: animalaidoftulsa@gmail.com

N.O.A.H. Animal Rescue Inc
Tulsa, OK 74115
Email: noahanimalrescue@aol.com

Tulsa Animal Welfare
3031 N Erie Ave
Tulsa, OK 74115
Phone: (918) 596-8000
Email: ccurtis@cityoftulsa.org

Helpless Hounds Dog Rescue
TULSA, OK 74115
Phone: (918) 850-0877
Email: helplesshounds@gmail.com

BARC Broken Arrow Rescue Corp
Broken Arrow , OK 74012
Phone: (918) 290-0024

TULSA, OK 74128
Phone: (918) 849-4545

Husky Halfway House Foundation
Eufaula, OK 74432
Phone: (408) 429-5918
Email: jennid@huskyhalfwayhouse.org

C.A.R.E Compassionate Animal Rescue Efforts
Tulsa, OK 74108
Email: rescue@carerescueok.org

One by One Friends of Animals
Owasso, OK 74055
Phone: (918) 928-9432
Email: administrator@onebyoneanimal.org

Owasso Feline Rescue
9002 N. 121 East Ave
Owasso, OK 74055
Phone: (918) 688-1661
Email: owassofelinerescue@yahoo.com

Broken Arrow Animal Shelter
4121 E Omaha St.
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Phone: (918) 259-8311
Email: tboni@brokenarrowok.gov

Lab Rescue OK , Inc.
2608 W. Kenosha #434
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Email: Info@labrescue.net

Legacy of Hope Dog Rescue
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Phone: (918) 280-9589
Email: lohdr10@yahoo.com

Feral and Domestic Animal Rescue, Inc.
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Email: feralanddomesticanimalrescue@hotmail.com

Anthem Service Dogs
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Phone: (918) 430-6609
Email: katef@anthemservicedogs.com

Ward-Wiseman Animal Haven
15628 N. 129th E. Ave
Collinsville, OK 74021
Phone: (918) 371-1009
Email: wardwiseman795@gmail.com

City Of Catoosa Animal Control
421 S. Cherokee st
Catoosa, OK 74015
Phone: (918) 266-0344

WindDance Animal Rescue
Coweta, OK 74429
Email: winddanceanimalrescue@gmail.com

Washington County SPCA
16620 State Highway 123
Bartlesville, OK 74003
Phone: (918) 336-1577
Email: adoptions@wcspca.org

Animal Rescue Foundation of Bartlesville OK
399519 US Hwy 60
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Phone: (918) 766-0991
Email: arfok@sbcglobal.net

Rozlyns Hope
Claremore, OK 74017
Phone: (918) 636-7832
Email: djtheenforcer@aol.com

City of Claremore Animal Control
815 Ramm Road
Claremore, OK 74017
Phone: 918-341-1260
Email: jhurst@claremorecity.com

Zoi’s Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 2905
Claremore, OK 74018
Email: zoisanimalrescue@gmail.com

Rogers County Humane Society
P. O. Box 1046
Claremore, OK 74018
Phone: (918) 636-7832
Email: djtheenforcer@aol.com

Muskogee Animal Shelter
4002 Border ave.
Muskogee, OK 74401
Phone: 918 684-6285
Email: kwilliams@muskogeeonline.org

Boston Terrier and Short Nose Rescue of Oklahoma
Muskogee, OK 74401
Email: btrescueoklahoma@yahoo.com

Purr-A-Lot Cat Shelter
28656 S 4170 Rd
Inola, OK 74036
Phone: (918)855-7928

Wagoner, OK 74467
Phone: (918) 370-7176
Email: Newfoundhaven@outlook.com

Fur Babies Adoptions and Rescue
Muskogee, OK 74403
Phone: (918) 910-3011
Email: furbabiesadoptions@gmail.com

Tall Tails Rescue
P.O. Box 121
Wagoner, OK 74477
Phone: 9182370270
Email: talltailsrescue@yahoo.com

Chelsea Animal Shelter
Chelsea, OK 74016
Phone: (918) 798-3039
Email: chelseaanimalshelter@gmail.com

Saving Whiskers and Tails
PO Box 44
Pryor, OK 74362
Phone: 9186056516
Email: swatbox44@gmail.com

Rockin G Animal Shelter
1365 N. Mill Street
Pryor, OK 74361
Phone: 9188257172
Email: rockinganimalshelter@yahoo.com

Chouteau Pound Pals
PO Box 1270
100 N. 6th St.
Chouteau, OK 74337
Phone: (918) 706-1073
Email: chouteaupoundpals@hotmail.com

Chasing Miracles Animal Rescue
Mccurtain, OK 74944
Phone: (918) 966-2011
Email: chasingmiraclesanimalrescue@gmail.com

Lakeside Veterinary Services, PLLC
25352 Hwy 82
Park Hill, OK 74451
Phone: (918) 453-2655
Email: lakesideveterinary@yahoo.com

Ahimsa Rescue Foundation
310 E.Shawntel Smith Blvd
PO Box 409
Muldrow, OK 74948
Email: savingpaws@aol.com

Lakes Area Pet Society
PO Box 172
Disney, OK 74340
Phone: 918-261-1502
Email: lakesareapetshelter@yahoo.com

Paws and Hooves Rescue Foundation

Rt 6 Box 282
Stilwell, OK 74960
Phone: 918-696-5867
Email: petdoctor@windstream.net

West Siloam Springs Animal Shelter
Hwy 33
Colcord, OK 74338
Phone: (918) 868-4404
Email: connief7648@gmail.com

Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grove and Grand Lake
64301 E 290 Road
P. O. Box 451205
Grove, OK 74344
Phone: (918) 786-7630
Email: doitforthepets@gmail.com

Okie Dokie Cocker Spaniel Rescue
P.O. Box 451101
Grove, OK 74345
Phone: 417/529-8748 (Cell)
Email: doglover7434@gmail.com

Animal Rescue And Kare of McCurtain County
P.O. Box 1023
Broken Bow, OK 74728
Phone: 580-236-2275
Email: ark@arkofmccurtaincounty.org

Miami Animal Alliance Inc.
PO box 1623
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (954) 608-4918
Email: adoptions.maa@gmail.com